Monday, August 2, 2010


Earlier today i got an e-mail from a great mentor of mine, Dr Imtiaz Chaudhry (MD/JD/HAFIZ), the epitome of what any Pakistani mother would want.Mothers would say "Learn something from him" or "Be like him", the first part i have and will continue to, the second is in progress.

Dr Imtiaz sent me a letter about Tenskwatawa, a Native American spiritualist and activist who opposed all western influence.

In his speech Tenskwatawa preaches to his tribesman to oppose and reject all western influence and that it will only destroy there lives and cultures. Tenskwatawa talks about how before the white man came they lived in peace with what they had, lived in a self sustaining enviornment

"In the Beginning, we were full of this shinning power, strong because we were pure. We moved silently through the woods. With a silent arrow we killed the animals and ate pure meat. In silence the fish swam in pure rivers, and we caught them in silence and ate them. In silence our corn and beans and squashes grew from the earth, and those we ate. We drank only clear water, after the milk of our mother's breast.

I have heard that lost silence. You have not heard it because you have not been dead. Up under the roof of the sky, there is that pure silence!

In the beginning, our people broke that beautiful silence only to pray to the Great Good Spirit, or to speak wisely in council, or to say kind words to our children and our elders, or to give the war cry when we avenged wrongs. "

They lived in silence. We live in a rush of emotions and superficial aspects.

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, than why are our lives still so hectic? Maybe we would be in greater peace without them, without knowing that we can have a car, a HUGE house, fly on an airplane, wear jewelery to make ourselves look better.

Does technology really help us or as to Tenskwatawa and his people, will it bring doom?
why can't we live in a stream of peace and silence? maybe technology will fix that.